Vietnamese stardate 2014
And here I am back from this two-day mini-cruise to Halong Bay!In the beginning the intention was to go venturing in the fjords and islands emerging from the sea in a kayak ... but unfortunately the bad weather made me change my plans and I opted for a boat and relax on board, ferried between the islands and lulled by the sea ..You can not describe the beauty of this World Heritage Site ... because its glory and excitement that can give you have to live for yourself.

But in wanting to prove I can tell you that you have browsed these islets like a blast from the past .. feeling aboard a pirate galleon, nestled between the tropical green and wild orchids, hanging down from the rocks, skim the waters as far away .. gaze is lost among thousands of the largest islands and not so great ... but superb ... that tower into the sky ... some are hollow and the inside hides beautiful fringed limestone caves of stalactites and stalagmites and sometimes smoothed by the sea he leaves that emerge on the rock showy signs of millions of years through its marine fossils ...

Sometimes however, climbed to the top of some of them, discover their inner filled with brackish water to form lakes and lagoons protected by cliffs and forests ... and here are the Halong orchids ... why only us here some species are born!After hiking and kayaking outings to discover fishing villages that live on floating houses surrounded between the islands, I let myself lulled the sway of my thoughts ...I leaned on the railing of the boat on which I stand in the Bay of Along a cigarette ... .. waves chasing each other in the evening breeze .. other boats floating on black water in the darkness and the moon to the new moon, peeking between the clouds, like torn sails, let it shine in a magical nebula to be reflected on the water of the Bay .. thoughts chasing each other just like the waves, the wind, the sea and the moon of this dream that i live !!
I go back to Hanoi ... again ... the last! ... Because tomorrow maybe finally going south, toward the more temperate climate and warm beaches to enjoy the sun and sea ...Goodbye Hanoi !! Goodbye Halong ....
But in wanting to prove I can tell you that you have browsed these islets like a blast from the past .. feeling aboard a pirate galleon, nestled between the tropical green and wild orchids, hanging down from the rocks, skim the waters as far away .. gaze is lost among thousands of the largest islands and not so great ... but superb ... that tower into the sky ... some are hollow and the inside hides beautiful fringed limestone caves of stalactites and stalagmites and sometimes smoothed by the sea he leaves that emerge on the rock showy signs of millions of years through its marine fossils ...
Sometimes however, climbed to the top of some of them, discover their inner filled with brackish water to form lakes and lagoons protected by cliffs and forests ... and here are the Halong orchids ... why only us here some species are born!After hiking and kayaking outings to discover fishing villages that live on floating houses surrounded between the islands, I let myself lulled the sway of my thoughts ...I leaned on the railing of the boat on which I stand in the Bay of Along a cigarette ... .. waves chasing each other in the evening breeze .. other boats floating on black water in the darkness and the moon to the new moon, peeking between the clouds, like torn sails, let it shine in a magical nebula to be reflected on the water of the Bay .. thoughts chasing each other just like the waves, the wind, the sea and the moon of this dream that i live !!
I go back to Hanoi ... again ... the last! ... Because tomorrow maybe finally going south, toward the more temperate climate and warm beaches to enjoy the sun and sea ...Goodbye Hanoi !! Goodbye Halong ....
Diario del Capitano -
data astrale vietnamita 2014
Ed eccomi tornato da questa minicrociera di due giorni alla Baia di Halong!
In principio l'intenzione era di andare avventurandomi tra i fiordi e le isole che emergono dal mare in purtroppo il tempo inclemente mi ha fatto cambiare i piani ed ho optato per una barca e relax a bordo, traghettato tra le isole e lasciandomi cullare dal mare..
Non si può descrivere la bellezza di questo patrimonio dell'umanità...perché la sua magnificenza e l'emozione che può dare la si deve vivere di persona.
Ma nel volerci provare posso dirvi che si naviga tra questi isolotti come in un tuffo nel passato..sentendosi a bordo di un galeone pirata, immerso tra il verde tropicale e le orchidee selvagge che sfiorano le acque penzoloni dalle rocce..lontano lo sguardo si perde tra migliaia di isole più grandi men superbe...che si stagliano verso il cielo...alcune sono cave e il loro interno nasconde stupende grotte calcaree orlate di stalagtiti e stalagmiti e a volte lisciate dal mare che ne lascia affilrorare sulla roccia i segni vistosi di milioni di anni attraverso I suoi fossili marini...
A volte invece, saliti fino alla cima di alcune di esse, scopri il loro interno pieno di acqua marina a formare laghi e lagune protette dalle pareti di roccia e foreste...e qui trovi le orchidee di Halong...perché solo qui vi nascono certe specie!
Dopo le escursioni e le uscite in Kayak a scoprire villaggi di pescatori che vivono su case galleggianti immerse tra le isole...mi lascio cullare al dondolio dei miei pensieri...
Mi affaccio sulla balaustra della barca sulla quale sosto nella baia di Along...una sigaretta..le onde si rincorrono sotto la brezza della sera..altre imbarcazioni fluttuano nel biuio sull'acqua nera luna verso il novilunio sbircia tra le nubi che come vele lacerate la lasciano trasparire in una magica nebulosa a riflettersi sullo specchio d'acqua della Baia..pensieri si rincorronno esattamente come le onde, il vento, il mare e la luna di questo sogno che vivo!!
Torno ad Hanoi...ancora una volta...l'ultima!...perché domani forse finalmente si va verso il sud, verso il clima più temperato e spiagge più calde a godere del sole e del mare...
Addio Hanoi!! Addio Halong....
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